Wintertime Samarkand(emsket ewe lamb--behind hip) |
At the Farmer's Market I am often asked if my yarns are alpaca....I think because they come in a wide range of natural colors and are soft which most people do not associate with wool. I then have the opportunity to educate my customers as to what makes wool "itchy" and how one can breed away from those traits to create very beautiful, soft-wooled sheep. I couldn't find the quality of fiber I use in my products, if I were not breeding it myself. Below are some examples of this year's fiber crop:
Wintertime Skylark(Yearling polled ram)
Wintertime Moose--Best Fleece on Hoof 2014 MSSBA Show(Yearling scurred ram--britch wool) |
Wintertime BVD(Spotted fawn katmoget scurred ram lamb)