We have a deep mulch system for our gardens which were the subsoil from the house excavation. Not much to work with at first but over the years with lots of sheep bedding piled on in the fall to rot down over winter we have built up some truly rich, black soil. I haven't tilled for more than 15 years. These are just a few of the flowers I've planted throughout the garden.

And then there are the fruit trees and berry bushes. This is a Haralson apple tree back by our sheep barn that is almost thirty years old.

These are highbush blueberries. I've got a long row of them on the path to the back barn and graze them frequently as I walk back to feed or fill buckets. I planted them because the wild blueberries can have off years and I love blueberries.

My favorite rasperries are the black ones. This is a variety I purchased from a nursery in Canada many years ago and I haven't found its parallel in any other variety. Cannot recall the name but I believe it is Lodan or Logan black.

This is my shade garden with coreopsis, chocolate mint, & volunteer asparagus.

Bronze fennel and volunteer sunflowers.

Volunteer calendula, purple sage and parsley. I have numerous plants that are now coming up here and there including ragged jack kale, purple orach, parsley, chard in a variety of colors, nasturtiums, calendula, fennel, dill, etc.

My favorite daisies.