Wintertime Grasshopper X Wintertime Chiffon--single smirsklet sokket fawn katmoget ewe lamb. Will be staying. Name pending. Born last night at 5 p.m.

The Sommarang Hansel X Wintertime Maple Sugar twin ewe lambs born a few days ago. Modified emsket? and mioget? with slight white markings on their heads.

This is Meghan's favorite "Snapple" who loves to come running to be scratched under her chin. She will be retained.

And this is "Tang"...so called because at birth she had fine hairs sticking up on her poll and when snuggled in a towel she resembled a baby Orangutan(sp?). She may be for sale. Clean polled lines on both sides of her pedigree.

Last but not least and born at 12:30 p.m. to a yearling River Oaks Simone...sired by Grasshopper...we have a clean polled fawn katmoget ram lamb who will be for sale. Beautiful fleece with a few white splashes on his face. Photo doesn't do this lamb justice.
Beautiful lambs! Love those single-coated fleeces!
Love the little fawn kat ram.....ok, I like them all, but there's something about the last little guy that I really like.
Congrats Karen.
LOVE the lambs! I LOVE that fawn kat spotted girl :) I don't have a spotted fawn kat ewe yet. We'll see what shakes out here this year...still waiting for the first shetland to go!
congrats on beautiful babies!
Thanks guys. Hey Kelly...that little ram IS something else. And out of a mother who is only about twice his size. She truly surprised us. Will be taking more photos as they get their landlegs.
Very beautiful lambs!
Lovely as always...especially that little possible mioget girl! :)
Interesting colors on Hansel's ewe lambs. I have to admit was surprised to read that Simone had lambed already. Her little guy does look pretty cute. And your spotted katmoget ewe lamb is very nice! Congratulations!
What beautiful colours and so sweet!
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