Wintertime Waterbug X Wintertime Alanis(yearling with a micron test of 23.3/4.3/18.4/7.5/SF of 22.2. She is a twin and has a black sister who will be for sale. This little ewe lamb is staying put.

Alanis X Waterbug black twin ewe lamb. Will be for sale.

Winter Sky Khan X Winter Sky Kir Royale twin ewe lamb. She is being retained.

Winter Sky Khan X Winter Sky Kir Royale fawn katmoget ram lamb(polled). Reserved pending further evaluation.

Another shot of Slate and his mother V Creek Angel. Slate will be for sale. Sire is Wintertime Black Forrest.

Slate with his brother Chalk in the background. Chalk is sold.
Awesome lambs.
What color is Slate???
slate's little nose is too cute! Love the color.
I do not know what color Slate is? His sire was Forrest. I do not know if his dam carries Ag. He appears to be some sort of solid ? Will let you know as he matures how he shapes up.
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