This is Blake. Khan X Wintertime Alanis. A lovely twin moorit ram lamb with a little white on his poll. He wasn't happy about going outside to pose and stood still for just a minute.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mustang Sally X Khan twin dark grey katmoget ewe lamb at less than 12 hours old. She is almost as tall as her dam already. And her brother is even larger(black with white on his head). Cannot imagine where Sally was keeping these two but she lambed without making a peep in between barn checks and is an awesome mother. Got to love these Shetlands!
Winter Sky Mandalay with her Ewe'sHaveIt John Doe single fawn krunet ewe lamb "Milan". She is a carbon copy of her dam with the same exquisite fleece and no britch. Just hope she has a bit more of a tail on her as that is an issue with Mandalay.

This is Blake. Khan X Wintertime Alanis. A lovely twin moorit ram lamb with a little white on his poll. He wasn't happy about going outside to pose and stood still for just a minute.
And this is B.o.B. Also out of Alanis. Absolutely suede-soft black ram lamb with some white on his head. He almost glitters in the light. He will be staying put for a time to make some very fine black lambs for us.
The road is drying up and we can actually travel straight into town which gives us an extra two hours at home. Have fourteen lambs on the ground so far and five more due to lamb within the next ten days. Vanity Fair(second place Fleece On Hoof and ewe lamb at Jefferson in 2011)is due bred to Khan on Monday. We look forward to that lambing ever so much.
This is Blake. Khan X Wintertime Alanis. A lovely twin moorit ram lamb with a little white on his poll. He wasn't happy about going outside to pose and stood still for just a minute.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
We are still driving long-distance to make town trips every three days as there is a mud bog on our main road. But this meant we actually got to see a moose one afternoon(something that was on my bucket list after seeing tracks down our driveway two times). Since the beginning of lambing season we have had seven ewes give very easy birth to 12 lambs--five rams and seven ewes. We will continue to post photos as time permits.
Wintertime Grasshopper X Wintertime Maple Sugar twin fawn spotted ewe lamb. Being retained in the flock. I call this one Firefly, but we shall see what Meghan eventually decides.
Wintertime Grasshopper X Wintertime Maple Sugar--twin krunet fawn katmoget ewe lamb. For sale. Very soft and sweet and lively. I call her Lacewing.
Wintertime Grasshopper X Wintertime Ruby modified moorit small krunet twin ewe lamb. Definitely a keeper. Meghan has been waiting a long time for her special Ruby daughter.
And then she got two of them. This is a twin to the above moorit. Very flashy and soft with loads of crimp underneath. She reminds me very much of the original Winter Sky Chrome but even finer.
Just had twin ram lambs sired by Khan born to Wintertime Alanis last night. Too tired to upload photos but the fleeces are wonderful and type is good.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
In one week's time we went from four feet of snow to bare ground and grass springing up. In the last 48 hours we went from 21 sheep to 28 with the addition of seven new lambs. This is a Grand Luxe X Izzy ram lamb with small scurs/hornbuds and a very dense, crimpy dark brown fleece at 12 hours old on his first outing.
This is "Daddy Longlegs"--Grasshopper X Farview Farm Sweet Tart--a smirslet fawn katmoget twin ram lamb with small hornbuds/scurs? He is for sale. His sister has more white on her head and may be for sale as well.
This is Simone(already sold)with her polled dark brown ram lamb sired by Khan. He is tentatively reserved already. He went out in the main field with the ewes at 24 hours and kept up with everyone. He is now sleeping it off.
This is Izzy with her Grand Luxe grey katmoget ewe lamb "Lexi" who may be staying in the flock.
And this is Simone & her son with Alanis(bred to Khan for Tuesday)and Manga(Alanis's daughter from last year)checking out her baby boy.
Last night when we were really ready to just chill out and after these photos were all uploaded Ruby gave birth to twin ewe lambs by Grasshopper--a mirror image modified with small krunet and amazing fleece and a dramatic smirslet moorit. Photos next time we make the trek into town via all our backroads. And not to be outdone Maple Sugar had twin ewe lambs by Grasshopper just a couple hours later--both fawn katmogets with spotting--one is for sale.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Micron Results for 2012
Ewe's Have It John Doe--Yearling moorit smirslet polled ram lamb sired by Winter Sky Buster II and out of Wintertime Jane Doe(V Creek Sarah X Lil'Country Nightcap)--24.5/4.4/17.8/7.6/92.5/23.2
Ewe's Have it Kate--Yearing moorit smirslet granddaugher of Tennyson and Forrest--23.7/4.1/17.5/7.1/95.5/22.5
Farview Farm Sweet Tart--Three year old true black krunet out of Sheltrgpines Licorice--27.4/5.3/19.5/10.4/75.2/26.3--RESERVED
River Oaks Simone--Two year old dark moorit from Kimberwood lines--25.3/5.8/23.0/11.1/82.3/25.1--RESERVED
Sheltrgpines Mustang Sally--Three year old very dark blue-grey katmoget daughter of Wintertime Blues out of Sheltrgpines Salicional--25.9/3.9/15.0/6.7/90.8/24.1
Winter Sky Kashi--Moorit smirslet triplet out of Winter Sky Khaya and sired by Wintertime Black Forrest--22.9/5.6/24.3/10.1/6.1/91.8/22.9--RESERVED
Winter Sky Kashmir--Black full sister to Kashi and Khan--23.2/4.6/19.8/7.7/95.4/22.3. MAY BE FOR SALE.
Winter Sky Mandalay--Black yearling. Best Fleece on Hoof Jefferson 2011. Sire is Winter Sky Khan. Dam is Winter Sky Marrakech. 21.8/4.0/18.3/7.2/98.1/20.8
Winter Sky Marrakech--Grey blettet three year old sired by Forrest and out of Winter Sky Calypso. 22.9/4.5/19.7/8.3/94.7/22.0
Wintertime Alanis--Black two year old daughter of Wintertime Fudge out of Winter Sky Alafair. 24.9/4.4/17.6/7.6/91.0/23.6
Wintertime Anime--Grey spotted yearling out of Alanis and Wintertime Waterbug. 23.8/4.4/18.4/7.0/95.7/22.6
Wintertime Boer Goat--Yearling caped moorit/white flecket with aberrant horns sired by Wintertime Barqs and out of Wintertime Ladybug(GCH fleece Jefferson 2011)--20.2/4.1/20.5/7.7/98.1/19.6
Wintertime Crisp--Yearling fawn katmoget out of V Creek Princess Buttercup and sired by Forrest. 22.3/4.3/19.2/7.7/97.0/21.4
Wintertime Grasshopper--Two year old fawn smirslet katmoget polled ram--First yearling rams Jefferson 2011--25.6/3.7/14.3/6.6/92.1/23.6--RESERVED
Wintertime Manga--Black yearling full sister to Anime--22.9/4.7/20.7/7.9/91.2/23.3. RESERVED.
Wintertime Maple Sugar--Three year old modified moorit daughter of Red Velvet and out of Wintertime Chiffon--24.4/4.5/18.5/7.9/91.2/23.3
Wintertime Ruby--Six year old light moorit sired by Sandstone and out of Izzy--24.3/5.8/23.9/10.5/84.7/24.3.MAY BE FOR SALE.
Wintertime Twix--Moorit gulmoget daughter of Barqs out of Sweet Tart--24.4/4.4/18.2/7.7/91.6/23.2. MAY BE FOR SALE.
Wintertime Vanity--Yearling fawn smirslet katmoget sired by Grasshopper and out of Chiffon(deceased). Second ewe lamb and best fleece on hoof Jefferson 2011. 22.6/3.6/16.0/6.3/98.3/21.1.
Ewe's Have it Kate--Yearing moorit smirslet granddaugher of Tennyson and Forrest--23.7/4.1/17.5/7.1/95.5/22.5
Farview Farm Sweet Tart--Three year old true black krunet out of Sheltrgpines Licorice--27.4/5.3/19.5/10.4/75.2/26.3--RESERVED
River Oaks Simone--Two year old dark moorit from Kimberwood lines--25.3/5.8/23.0/11.1/82.3/25.1--RESERVED
Sheltrgpines Mustang Sally--Three year old very dark blue-grey katmoget daughter of Wintertime Blues out of Sheltrgpines Salicional--25.9/3.9/15.0/6.7/90.8/24.1
Winter Sky Kashi--Moorit smirslet triplet out of Winter Sky Khaya and sired by Wintertime Black Forrest--22.9/5.6/24.3/10.1/6.1/91.8/22.9--RESERVED
Winter Sky Kashmir--Black full sister to Kashi and Khan--23.2/4.6/19.8/7.7/95.4/22.3. MAY BE FOR SALE.
Winter Sky Mandalay--Black yearling. Best Fleece on Hoof Jefferson 2011. Sire is Winter Sky Khan. Dam is Winter Sky Marrakech. 21.8/4.0/18.3/7.2/98.1/20.8
Winter Sky Marrakech--Grey blettet three year old sired by Forrest and out of Winter Sky Calypso. 22.9/4.5/19.7/8.3/94.7/22.0
Wintertime Alanis--Black two year old daughter of Wintertime Fudge out of Winter Sky Alafair. 24.9/4.4/17.6/7.6/91.0/23.6
Wintertime Anime--Grey spotted yearling out of Alanis and Wintertime Waterbug. 23.8/4.4/18.4/7.0/95.7/22.6
Wintertime Boer Goat--Yearling caped moorit/white flecket with aberrant horns sired by Wintertime Barqs and out of Wintertime Ladybug(GCH fleece Jefferson 2011)--20.2/4.1/20.5/7.7/98.1/19.6
Wintertime Crisp--Yearling fawn katmoget out of V Creek Princess Buttercup and sired by Forrest. 22.3/4.3/19.2/7.7/97.0/21.4
Wintertime Grasshopper--Two year old fawn smirslet katmoget polled ram--First yearling rams Jefferson 2011--25.6/3.7/14.3/6.6/92.1/23.6--RESERVED
Wintertime Manga--Black yearling full sister to Anime--22.9/4.7/20.7/7.9/91.2/23.3. RESERVED.
Wintertime Maple Sugar--Three year old modified moorit daughter of Red Velvet and out of Wintertime Chiffon--24.4/4.5/18.5/7.9/91.2/23.3
Wintertime Ruby--Six year old light moorit sired by Sandstone and out of Izzy--24.3/5.8/23.9/10.5/84.7/24.3.MAY BE FOR SALE.
Wintertime Twix--Moorit gulmoget daughter of Barqs out of Sweet Tart--24.4/4.4/18.2/7.7/91.6/23.2. MAY BE FOR SALE.
Wintertime Vanity--Yearling fawn smirslet katmoget sired by Grasshopper and out of Chiffon(deceased). Second ewe lamb and best fleece on hoof Jefferson 2011. 22.6/3.6/16.0/6.3/98.3/21.1.
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