Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Heights Orion F1 Lambs at Winter Sky

Above is Winter Sky Ready to Run--AFD of 27.4 with an SD of 6.2 and her single krunet moorit ram lamb sired by Heights Orion. His fleece is not as consistent as I'd like to see, but it is very soft and only time will tell if he'll develop into the type of ram we want to use on our farm.
Below is one of triplet rams born to Winter Sky Alafair. She had two lively black rams and one extremely typey moorit ram(unfortunately born dead in the middle of the night)after showing now signs of labor. The black rams have a doglike lamb coat, so once again we wait to see what will develop over time. Alafair's side micron test this year was a very disappointing 30, so she is being culled from the flock.

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