This is Dancing Angels Palm Pilot. He is the only buck we have for sale, as his conformation, coloring and blue-eyes make him something special. His twin sister BlackBerry is being retained as is his dam--Dancing Angels Bittersweet. He is a grandson of CH/MCH Dancing Angels Cool Your Jets and a son of Twin Creeks Megapixel(Pecan Hollow Dance Fever X Twin Creeks Madame Butterfly). Price is $250.00.

This is Winter Sky Speed. He is out of Winter Sky Breathe(Winter Sky Sandstone X Winter Sky Ready to Run)and sired by Wintertime Landslide(Winter Sky Sandstone X Firthoffifth Rhiannon). He appears to be polled or only minimally scurred. He has Landslide's totally sweet disposition and outstanding conformation and type. Not to mention his lovely fiber which is crimpy and consistent over his entire body. We will be repeating this breeding in hopes of getting a ewe lamb. But for some lucky person looking for an easy-to-maintain fiber ram for their flock look no further. Price is $150.00.

This blue-eyed two year old cream/white AGS registered Nigerian doe named Dancing Angels Praline for sale for $250.00. She is a daughter of Twin Creeks WB Rain Beau(pictured at Whispering Woods Farm.com)and out of Dancing Angels S'More. She had twin does her first year and triplet bucks her second. She is an exemplary mother. My daughter is retaining her yearling daughter from last year and a granddaughter(both blue-eyed).

This is Dancing Angels Bittersweet. She is NFS, but her son Palm Pilot and dam Praline both pictured above are. This is a very strong line for color, lovely dairy character and good production. Bittersweet is our smallest doe but twinned her first year and is still retaining good body condition.