Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Wintertime Red Velvet(Wintertime Black Forrest X Wintertime Ruby)is going to Canada to help improve fleeces in the polled lines there. He will undoubtedly be doing a little breeding on this side of the border prior to leaving, and Meghan does plan to repeat the breeding that produced him and his sibling Wintertime Fudge. It was a tough decision, but Meghan knows he'll be treated royally and given lots of loving and ewes to breed. Wintertime Maple Sugar(Wintertime Red Velvet X Wintertime Chiffon)is being retained. She was a late lamb, so she will be held over until next season for breeding.

And Lil'Country Nightcap is returning to Juliann Budde in August to produce some awesome polled rams and ewe lambs in her flock. Meghan is retaining his moorit polled son Wintertime Bailleys out of Wintertime Ruby.


Michelle said...

And thanks to both of you for letting me ALMOST get him, before logistics interfered! Being able to back out and having Juliann waiting in the wings was such a blessing; thank-you again.

Karen Valley said...

No problem. It is always good when rams find the right home, and there will always be more beautifully fleeced polled rams available if Meghan and Juliann have anything to say about it.